Simple Ways To Spruce Up Your Website Today

Whilst the new year has just recently passed, it is still not too late for you to freshen up your current business website. With the new year comes new strategies, targets and goals, and this is something that you want to make evident not just within your business, but on your business website as well. Out of date websites are a sure way to repel visitors, and a lack of ongoing maintenance and upkeep will inevitably set you back. Maximise on your ROI by giving your website a little extra attention and boost with these simple ways to spruce up your website today.

Simple Ways To Spruce Up Your Website Today

1. A Homepage Revamp

The homepage is the backbone of your brand or business’s online presence. People visit your website to learn more about your company, your products and your mission. Thus, when your visitors land on your homepage, you want them to feel engaged, interested, impressed and feel like they have just landed on one of the best websites they have ever been on.

One thing that many are turned off by on websites are a lack of navigation – so update your design by tweaking the navigation on your website. Make it visible, accessible and easy to use. Anticipate where consumers will click (you can utilise a heat map to truly understand where your audience is most likely to hover over or click on) and provide clear calls-to-action to help them locate what they need.

Remember to eliminate excessive wording on your website, as too many words tend to distract viewers from their initial intended reasons for hopping on to your website. Sometimes, less is more. An uncluttered, modern and minimalistic homepage with easy navigation is something that will give your visitors clarity and accessibility.

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2. Refresh Old Content

In the past, you would have spent lots of time, effort and resources into coming up with and publishing useful content for your viewers on your website. Often times, once something is posted, many tend to move on to the next topic, then the next, and so on. What you may not realise is that all this content that you have already published has not been seen by everyone – ie, your new customers would have missed out on the past 2 years of content that you put your heart and soul into.

Rather than producing new content, a great idea is to revive and refresh old content, adding the latest trends to an older blog posts. You can insert new, updated data into these posts or a brand new infographic to freshen things up. Don’t be afraid to re-visit your content archives, and give your audience the chance to experience your useful and valuable content once again.

3. Fix Any Checkout Process Issues

At the end of the day, everything you are working towards is a sale. If you are not driving revenue, then you will not be able to sustain your business. This is why fixing any checkout process issues is absolutely essential – there is no point in having a fantastic website if people are unable to successfully purchase items off your e-store. Whether it is a technical issue or a page not loading fast enough, ensure that these issues are resolved ASAP.

Another issue that seems to turn customers off is a check out process that involves too many steps – people in this day and age are constantly racing against the clock, so ensure that your checkout process is smooth, efficient and doesn’t take up too much of someone’s time. Always remember to remove any roadblocks that may be in the pathway of your customers.

4. Re-Invest In Brand Community

As your business grows, it is vital that you keep your brand community engaged. Loyal customers want to interact with your business, so ensure that you give them the engagement that they deserve. Whether this means responding to every single comment or ensuring that no complaint goes unanswered, these are all ways that you can ensure consistent engagement with your audience. Installing pop-up boxes on your website that prompt your customers to sign up to your newsletter is also a great way to keeping them in the loop. You can always offer discounts to those who sign up, or organise a loyalty program for repeat customers. This way, consumers feel like they are a part of your brand’s family and that they matter.

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