Website designing and specially optimised website designing starts with choosing a domain name and ordering the storage space than creating your own website. We are there that you already have a domain, that is, your name on your website.
The domain name is just a “contact card”. What’s behind it is decided by website building. The content of the website is placed on the storage space.
What is the storage?
Storage is a server (more specifically a part on the server) where the files, images, texts, databases of the website are stored. When someone wants to view the website and enter the address (domain name) into the browser (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer), the request will be sent to this server, “who” will show that in his account with such a business card what files do they have. These files are displayed as a homepage, as set by the website builder; very, very simple. The hosting provider basically maintains a high capacity storage computer.
What is Google Friendly Hosting?
The Google Friendly Hosting term is one of the hosting provider’s marketing catches. Sounds good, because it is the dream of every website builder and website owner, but the fact is that there is a bad or good hosting service, but Google does not favor any hosting provider. Google likes good hosting and a well-optimised website.
What do you need to know about ordering hosting?
First, it is worthwhile to look at the hosting provider to order storage space. Here are some aspects to choose from:
• how reliable is the server status (technical errors and hacker attacks can be everywhere)
• how the hosting provider communicates with customers
• what system programs are running on the server
• does the provider allow bulk email from the server
• are there any utilities that are allowed on the server that are necessary for the operation of our website
As you can see, a website builder’s opinion is needed to decide if a hosting site meets our website’s needs. In fact, the factors that an average customer can decide (price, storage space, number of email addresses, etc.) do not really important!
Why is reliable hosting important?
If the website is optimised (or we made an optimised website) then it is very important that the server is reliable. A server failure lasting several days means that the website will disappear from the Google search results list.
In case of a hosting order, it is advisable to choose a hosting provider that will immediately provide temporary storage space, so the design of the website can start.
Create your own website
To make a website beautiful, easy to use, you have to write all kinds of program codes and put them on the server. You can see for yourself how a website looks like when bare. Choose a website of your choice and press Ctrl + U on any browser! What you see is the source code of the website. This is on the server, from which your browser puts pictures, buttons, text. For example, if you look carefully, you can usually find the text in it, but basically, it seems so crazy now, right?
What can be done?
There are many ways you can create a website, and I would divide it into four main groups.
To program directly
That is, in a text editor, enter the many nasty codes you see by pressing Ctrl + U. In old times, this was often the only solution; today it is so outdated that, apart from one or two crazy people, no one is building a website like this way.
Create with a design program
Adobe DreamWeawer is the best known. Compared to manual programming, this solution makes work much easier but still requires expertise. Counting on a graphical lack of expertise, you look forward to a poor-looking result, and if you can’t program it, then you can only combine one or two static pages.
Special content manager
This is content management software (also known as a CMS or admin interface) that is usually developed by a programmer or a small company. Such software has gone very far in the 2000s; almost all the small business websites have done something like that.
Free Content Manager
Today, free content managers have gone through incredibly super-developments to offer the best background for almost any website. They can be used in all situations except for very specific, large-scale needs. And they are absolutely free. Legally.
Create your own website with free content management software
You could guess We can suggest free content managers. Apart from very specific needs, they provide a solution for every situation for free. Huge international teams are working day by day on their development, so you can be sure that you can always use the latest version.
Why WordPress?
WordPress is the easiest to use. You can create and operate a very good website without any computational knowledge. If you want to develop it later, you can get into it with better skills (could be you or even someone else with more skills), and the website can be customised to the ultimate possible.