Don’t be shamed by Google Chrome 68 from July 2018

Attention all website owners – regardless of your website being blogs, businesses of any size, government bodies and agencies, social networking, etc. Chrome is going to change your life!

Google is looking at making all websites secure, and with the rollout of Chrome 68 this month (July 2018), it will literally show all Chrome users that the website they are on is not secure, if they happen to land on one without SSL enabled. This is a serious ‘shaming’ process by Google Chrome, which is great for viewers but not for businesses with websites without security.

Google promotes a secure web by strongly advocating that all websites adopt the HTTPS encryption. With the release of Chrome 68, Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as “Not secure”. This move began last year when Chrome started marking all HTTP-only web pages with forms as insecure, including HTTP-only websites accessed through their incognito Window. Within a year, Chrome increased traffic to HTTPS websites by:

  • 68% in Android and Windows
  • 78% in Mac and Chrome OS

Statistics also show that 81 of the top 100 websites use HTTPS security by default.

No one can escape these changes, as Google Chrome is the most popular browser on desktops and mobile devices. Chrome attracts 60% of all internet traffic in the world, so it will be wise to get onto HTTPS sooner rather than later.

Even if your website does not accept or process payments or information, you will still need HTTPS encryption for your best interest. Google is seeing that all websites must have SSL installed – it is their new standard. As the leader of browsers, they can certainly do this as they see it as beneficial for Chrome users.

A great advantage for having SSL is that it allows your website to perform better by operating over the HTTP/2 which improves load time by up to 40%. SSL is especially important for sites that collect sensitive information from their visitors, and visitors are always on a lookout for that green lock in the address bar before submitting information that is personal, sensitive or important.

Website security is key.

Secure your website with Host Geek today. See more about SSL Security Certificates here.

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