Should Upstarts Use WooCommerce?

Creating your first e-commerce website can be a daunting prospect, but due to the vast nature and usage of content management systems it’s not the headache it once was. WooCommerce is one such tool that has levelled the playing field for merchants everywhere.

This simple open source WordPress plugin has been designed specifically to aid SME’s allowing them to create and manage an online store with little difficulty. For this reason it has become the go to tool for traders around the world, with 171,000 online retailers using the plugin.

Should your online shop be using WooCommerce? Here are a few of the many perks:


One of the biggest perks, especially for upstarts looking to keep overheads low, is the free and open source nature of the tool. This means new features and fixes are added constantly and themes and extensions are constantly being created by developers.
[tweetthis]#WooCommerce is #free – a big #perk for #upstarts[/tweetthis]

User Friendly

WooCommerce offers all kinds of user friendly flexibility, ensuring tht even the layman will find using the service easy with its simple layout and monitoring tools. This includes everything from being able to manage category pages and sale items to selling both physical and electronic wares.

This user friendly detail goes both ways too as the customer can choose a variety of shipping options, track their orders and check the delivery status.
[tweetthis]#WooCommerce is #userfriendly for everyone – from the trader to the buyer[/tweetthis]


WooCommerce works well with WordPress themes as well as their own WooThemes. ThemeForest – the marketplace for html templates, plugins and themes for CMS – also have their own section of personal themes that can support WooCommerce and go hand in hand with the service, offering all kinds of short-code and widgets to make customisation even easier.
[tweetthis]#WooCommerce is fully #customisable meaning you can make it your own[/tweetthis]

Inclusive Analysis

We touched briefly on the analytics aspect of WooCommerce but it bears going into more detail. You can comprehensively track customer behaviour, analyse sales figures and stats, stock levels and all other trends all from the dashboard. What’s more information is presented clearly and concisely.
[tweetthis]#WooCommerce allows you to comprehensively track customer behaviour[/tweetthis]


Due to the sheer amount of people using WordPress (estimated at 24 million active WordPress sites on the web) it has to be one of the most secure platforms around. Flaws and updates are dealt with quickly to address any security flaws so that the immense user base is constantly protected from hacks.

So there you go. If you’ve got your eyes set on setting up shop online then WooCommerce is a great tool for getting your feet wet.

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