In this day and age, having a website for your business is no longer viewed as a luxury, something reserved for only the biggest companies with the biggest budgets – if you want your business to succeed, having a website is essential. When it comes to creating and running a website for your business, you’ll need a reliable website hosting provider to make sure everything runs smoothly.
However, with so many different providers around, choosing one can seem like quite a daunting task. To make things easier, we’ve compiled a list of questions you should be asking to narrow down your options.
1) What web hosting options do you offer?
When it comes to web hosting, there is no “one size fits all” solution – every business is different, and will have different requirements. You want a provider that offers a range of different hosting options, so that if your needs change, you can upgrade your hosting without having to switch providers.
2) What security processes do you have in place?
With some providers, you will just be provided with server space and that’s it, nothing extra. While this can seem like a cheap, easy option, it is one to be avoided. Make sure the hosting provider you choose has security processes in place (SSL certificates etc.) to protect any sensitive company data on your website.
[tweetthis]Ask your #webhost – what #security do you offer?[/tweetthis]
3) Do you offer customer service or technical support?
Again, some providers will only offer the bare essentials, which could leave you in trouble if your site was to go down for some reason. Make sure you choose a web hosting provider that offers customer service and has a dedicated technical support team in place.
4) How often do you backup websites?
It is essential that your web hosting provider offers an adequate level of backup for your website, should the worst happen. Ideally, you will want a hosting provider to offer automatic backup at least once per day.
[tweetthis]Ask your #webhost – how often do you #backup your #websites?[/tweetthis]
5) How many customers are on each server?
If you decide to opt for a shared hosting solution, you’ll be sharing server space with a number of other websites. The number of websites on each server can have an effect on the speed of your site, so make sure you ask your provider how many customers share each server.
[tweetthis]Ask your #webhost – how many #websites are on each #server?[/tweetthis]
If you have any questions about your web hosting needs, get in touch with our team today to see how we can help.