Top 5 WordPress Security Plugins

Your WordPress website can be awesome. However, no matter how awesome they are and how great it works, there are always unwanted guests. There are plenty of hackers and malicious traffic, and all these unwanted guests have a one and only goal – waste your website efforts. Data may be lost, and information hacked. No one has been able to stop hackings and malicious traffics, but efforts have been made to prevent and control them. This effort is called the security plugin for WordPress. Security plugins are very helpful as they prevent these unwanted guests.

There are several WordPress security plugins, but here are the top 5.


Sucuri logo - website security


Sucuri appears to be the best and most comprehensive plugin. It is globally acknowledged, and it has several things to offer as a WordPress security plugin. The Sucuri Security WordPress plugin is free to download and has basic services free-to-use too, but to access some important features or use full security features, the plugin needs to be subscribed to with a monthly fee. Some of the offers Sucuri has, includes, activity auditing, this enables a user to retain audit records, audit sensitive database changes, administrator, and user activities. It is meant to complement a user’s existing security posture, and all of the features it has to offer, each has been designed to have a positive effect on their security posture.


Wordfence- website security


Wordfence is a security plugin that has been set to perform multiple functions. One of the major things it does is that it has been made to identify and block malicious traffic. Wordfence Security comes with a powerful scanning tool, this is why it can scan, identify, and is able to block malicious traffic. Although it is free for WordPress users, it comes with upgraded paid versions that have much more benefits. One of these great benefits is that it enables real-time firewall rule and malware signature updates as well as the Real-time IP Blacklist, which blocks all requests from the most malicious IPs, protecting your site while reducing load. Wordfence comes in close second to Sucuri.


ithemes security pro logo - Website security

iTheme Security Pro

iThemes Security Pro, which was previously known as Better WP Security provides you with several ways to secure and protect your WordPress site. It’s a plugin intended at ensuring that your WordPress website is safe against hacking and other external attacks. According to reports, an average of 30,000 new websites are hacked daily. WordPress sites can be an easy target for attacks because of plugin vulnerabilities, weak passwords, and obsolete software. This is why this plugin should be considered by all WordPress users. It is free and has some core features that are very useful for its users. iThemes Security Pro manages to fix common holes, stop cybernetic attacks, and strengthens its users’ credentials. In this way, hackings and malicious traffic can be prevented.


all-in-one wp security and firewall - website security

All In One WordPress Security & Firewall

The All In One WordPress Security & Firewall is a really useful and automatic plugin that can do a good job at guarding your site. This security plugin also uses an unusual and unique security points grading system to measure how well your website is protected, and how it has been activated. This plugin allows you to easily add a lot of firewall security to your site via htaccess file. This automatically stops malicious traffic before it reaches your site.


BulletProof Security Pro logo - Website Security

BulletProof Security

Just as it sounds, bulletproof. BulletProof Security comes with a comprehensive suite of tools and is said to be the complete website protection package for hackers and spammer protection, so it protects your site against different hacking attempts. It fixes all security issues regarding your sites and works amazing. Here are some of the amazing tools and features of this plugin – Malware Scanner, Firewall, Login Security, DB Backup, Anti-Spam, etc.


As previously mentioned, the website unwanted guests can’t be stopped, and we can’t cease to have websites because of them. We can only prevent them, and one of the ways to prevent them is to be safe and secured by having this security plugins for your WordPress. You can operate your website better this way. Host Geek partnered with Sucuri to provide website owners the ultimate website protection that it needs. You can view the plans and pricing here.

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